
Université Paris Paris, France
INSERM, UMR 1153 Epidemiology and Biostatistics Sorbonne Paris Cité Research Center (CRESS), METHODS team
The research developed within the team is aimed at furthering the knowledge on the methods used to evaluate the treatments and interventions in the framework of the treatment of chronic diseases. The research team combines a diversity and complementarity of specialties (epidemiologists, statisticians, clinicians, linguists), experiences, cultures and nationalities (North-American, English, and Italian researchers) and backgrounds (specialists and general practitioners, nurses, physical therapists, midwives, engineers, university professors).

University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Department of Clinical Epidemiology, Biostatistics & Bioinformatics
The department of Clinical Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Bioinformatics has the mission to conduct research on the etiology, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and prevention of disease, to elucidate and understand the underlying molecular mechanisms and to develop methods for these studies. Methodology development takes place in the fields of epidemiology, biostatistics and bioinformatics/e-Bioscience.

Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Department of Statistics and Operations Research, UPC Barcelona Tech
The Department of Statistics and Operations Research at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) was created in 1987. It has a staff of 40 teachers working at the School of Industrial Engineering of Barcelona (ETSEIB), School of Industrial and Aeronautic Engineering of Terrassa (ETSEIAT), Faculty of Informatics (FIB) and School of Mathematics and Statistics (FME). The department has its own PhD program, and conducts master and graduate courses. The Department is largely involved in research activities, mainly in the field of industrial engineering, the development of intelligent interfaces and automatic data processing, optimization and simulation of flows in networks and applications of the foregoing.

CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique), France
Computer Science Laboratory for Mechanics and Engineering Sciences (LIMSI)
The “Computer Science Laboratory for Mechanics and Engineering Sciences” (LIMSI) is a pluri-disciplinary research laboratory gathering academics and scholars from various scientific fields: primarily from the Engineering and Information Sciences, but also from Cognitive Science and Linguistics. The laboratory was created in 1972 and since then research themes have progressively been expanded to Speech and Image Processing, then to a growing number of themes related to Human-Computer Communication and Interaction on the one hand; to Thermics and Energetics on the other hand.

University of Ghent, Belgium
Department of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics
Motivated by practical problems, primarily from the bio-medical field, the statistics unit in the department of `Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics’ at Ghent University develops statistical models and studies their statistical and practical properties. We apply existing and new methodology to the design and analysis of important data sets from (bio-medical) researchers, the industry and government. Topics of special interest include causal inference, missing data, noncompliance in clinical trials, statistical genomics and survival analysis. We are further devoted to undergraduate and graduate teaching, and are not only involved in an advanced master in Statistical Data Analysis, but equally in the training of bachelors and masters in the biomedical sciences, biotechnology, informatics, mathematics and pharmacy.

University of Liverpool, UK
Institute of Translational Medicine, Department of Biostatistics
The Department of Biostatistics carries out methodological and applied research, as well as teaching. Our people are engaged in a broad range of collaborative projects. Main research areas are survival analysis, joint modelling of longitudinal and survival data, clinical trials methodology, statistical pharmacogenetics, multivariate data analysis, meta-analysis, quality of life data analysis, stereology and performance monitoring.

University of Split, Croatia
Department of Psychology School of Humanities and Social Sciences
The Department of Psychology at University of Split’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences was established in 2013 making it the youngest unit of the Faculty. At the same time, it is the scientifically most productive unit of the Faculty covering research fields in Cognitive, Educational and Social psychology. Members of the Department teach courses in Educational Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Educational Neuroscience, Psychology of Religion, Statistics, Qualitative Research Methods and Introduction to Scientific Literacy.
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